Thematic Collections

Accademia dei Lincei

The exhibition “Leonardo and His Books: The Library of the Universal Genius” (Florence, Galileo Museum, June 6 – September 22, 2019) will feature full public access to the library in digital form.

Lincei Academy
div class="titoloLink_out">Research system

Museo Galileo has launched a new thematic digital library project which aims at the publication on line of printed works and manuscripts related to the first Accademia dei Lincei (1603-1630).

The website is available only in Italian

Galilaean Digital Library

Digital acquisition, in image format, of some works listed in the Bibliografia Internazionale Galileiana, edited by Patrizia Ruffo.

The National Conferences of Italian Naturalists

The annual conferences of Italian Scientists (nine of them during the period 1839-1848) were an important and stimulating occasion of encounter for the men of science of the time and showed the existence of a united Italian culture.

Ancient Mathematics

This collection contains a documentary core of nearly 1,000 titles, most of them belonging to the Biblioteca Carlo Viganò of the Catholic University in Brescia.

Scientific Knowledge

This digital collection contains relevant texts for the History of Science in Italy between the 16th and the 18th-Century.

Giovanni Fabbroni and his papers: reading proposals for a digital archive

Digital library devoted to Giovanni Fabbroni (1752-1822).

The website is available only in Italian.

De Prospectiva Pingendi

Piero della Francesca's treatise on perspective, De prospectiva pingendi, that is, 'On perspective for painting' is the first manual of drawing devoted to the new science of painters.