The collective database provides full access to the Museo Galileo’s collections, the bibliographies and the databases produced in connection with the various research and study projects. It currently includes roughly 380,000 entries on publications owned by the library or mentioned in the bibliographies, relevant to the collections and documents conserved in the archives, to historic and digital photographs, to the scientific instruments displayed in the Museum and to the medals.
More than 71,000 documents are available in digital format: most of them are freely accessible in internet, some others have internal access only.
All data are available in WorldCat, while incunabula, 16th-, 17th- and 18th-century books are also searchable in SBN-National library service, in the library catalogue of the University of Florence and in the one of the Tuscan universities (SBART). The ancient periodicals (till 1800) and the current ones are included in the ACNP-Italian catalogue of periodicals. Moreoever all data have been published as Linked Open Data in Datahub (Open Knowledge Foundation) and in OpenData (Regione Toscana).
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