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The collective database provides full access to the Museo Galileo’s collections and the databases produced in connection with the various research and study projects.

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Banca dati cumulativa

The collective database provides full access to the Museo Galileo’s collections, the bibliographies and the databases produced in connection with the various research and study projects. It currently includes roughly 365,000 entries on publications owned by the library or mentioned in the bibliographies, relevant to the collections and documents conserved in the archives, to historic and digital photographs, to the scientific instruments displayed in the Museum and to the medals.

More than 65,000 documents are available in digital format: most of them are freely accessible in internet, some others have internal access only.

All data are available in WorldCat, while incunabula, 16th-, 17th- and 18th-century books are also searchable in SBN-National library service, in the library catalogue of the University of Florence and in the one of the Tuscan universities (SBART). The ancient periodicals (till 1800) and the current ones are included in the ACNP-Italian catalogue of periodicals. Moreoever all data have been published as Linked Open Data in Datahub (Open Knowledge Foundation) and in OpenData (Regione Toscana).


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Name archive

At the moment, the Name archive contains tens of thousands of names of persons and organizations relevant to the history of science. Originating as a reference list for the library’s catalogue and for the bibliographies, the archive has been enriched by names utilized in the various databases that have, in recent years, converged in the collective database (for example, the Museum’s catalogue of instruments) and those linked to different types of material that the library has begun to catalogue (archival materials, photographs, etc.). Several thousand names not appearing in the collective database but related to special projects (such as Galileothek@) are also included.

The Name archive is not intended as a biographical archive but, thanks also to the information that accompanies the names (date and place of birth and death, qualification or brief biographical note, sources and repertoires, etc.), it can be a useful reference tool for anyone conducting studies in the history of science.


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Library Catalogue

The catalogue currently contains the entire library book collection. The Italian monographs published since 1982 and the foreign ones published since 1999 are also searchable by subject. The piece-analytic records are available for the Italian books published since 1982 and the foreign ones since 1999, for some Italian periodicals (each periodical from 1982 onwards, but the most important ones from the first issue), and for the main foreign periodicals. Please note that analytic cataloguing and subject indexing are only applied to contributions of scientific-historical interest.

Plenty of documents are available in digital format: most of them are freely accessible in the internet, some others have internal access only.

For the integrated consultation of the various Museo Galileo resources (books, archival materials, prints and drawnings, photographs, medals, scientific instruments) search the Collective database.


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The library holdings include collections of manuscript resources that are significant both for the history of science in general and for that of Florence in particular. The description of the collections is nearing completion.

The database Archive also includes historical photos.

Collections and documents related to the history of science, stored in other libraries and archives, are also searchable and in most cases offered in digital format. Noteworthy is the Galileian collection of the National central library of Florence and the Galileian documents housed at the State archive of Florence.


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The iconographic archive constists of a wide collection of historical and recent photographs, prints and drawings, medals.

Plenty of materials are available in digital version: the most of them are freely accessible in internet, some others have internal access only.


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