The Museo Galileo’s Direction would like to thank Dr. Patrizia Ruffo who, after more than 20 years, is leaving her work of research and editing of the Galilean Bibliography.
At the beginning of the 1990's, Dr. Mario Di Bono was entrusted with the project of compiling a bibliography of works and studies on Galileo as a continuation of previous bibliographies (Carli-Favaro, 1896; Boffito, 1943; Gentili, 1966; McMullin. 1967). In 2000, this task passed to Patrizia Ruffo who integrated many retrospective reports over the years and guaranteed the constant updating of the data, keeping up with the ever-growing volume of studies. Thanks to her competence and dedication, the Galilean Bibliography records today about 26,000 publications written in 50 different languages.
The compiling and editing of the Bibliography is now entrusted - after a period of training - to Dr. Valentina Vignieri, under the supervision of Prof. Massimo Bucciantini.