As part of the celebrations for the five hundredth anniversary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci, on Thursday 4 April 2019, in the Pegaso room of Palazzo Strozzi Sacrati in Florence - the seat of the Regione Toscana presidency - the website Leonardo's Tuscany was presented to cultural operators of the territories involved.
The website was created and realized by the Unione dei Comuni Circondario dell’Empolese Valdelsa in collaboration with the Museo Galileo, and with the support of the Comitato Nazionale per la celebrazione dei 500 anni dalla morte di Leonardo da Vinci, the Regione Toscana and the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze.
The Project aims to raise knowledge and awareness of the close relationship that existed between Leonardo and the land where he was born and grew up, and to encourage a form of tourism that focuses on the culture and history of this territory where the artist left an indelible mark.