
Orientamenti is a new publishing series that Giunti and Museo Galileo are offering to the general public with the aim of popularizing scientific culture through a language closer to the current evolution of communication forms. The proposed formula combines texts and multimedia content-writing, sounds and films, so as to encourage reading in a dynamic and diversified way. The multimedia content can be accessed through QRcodes associated with the pictures accompanying the texts, offering the reader refined audio-visual insights that illustrate the topics covered in a comprehensive, light and enjoyable way.

  • Camerota F. (a cura di), Una terra oltre le stelle. Il planisfero di Martin Waldseemüller / 1507, 2022, 143 p., ill. (Orientamenti; 1)
    This volume is dedicated to Martin Waldseemüller's planisphere (1507), the first representation of the globe that also includes the lands of the New World giving America its name. The web version of the contents can be accessed at https://exhibits.museogalileo.it/waldseemuller/index.html