2019 seminario moto perpetuo small

London, Ravensbourne University
March 12th, 2019

This workshop is dedicated to the presentation of the work done on digital models derived from Leonardo’s drawings for the exhibition “Leonardo da Vinci and Perpetual Motion: Visualizing Impossible Machines” (Peltz Gallery, Birkbeck–University of London, from February 6th to March 12th, 2019). The issues covered include: transforming a drawing into a 3D virtual model, dimensioning a machine, the legitimacy of integrating/recreating missing parts, the choice of materials, the machine in its context, problems arising from 3D modeling, how to investigate and integrate the historical sources and give a new perspective to study.

The workshop is organized by Museo Galileo, Ravensbourne University and Birkbeck–University of London.

An enlarged version of the exhibition will be housed at the Museo Galileo in Florence from October 10th, 2019 to January 12th, 2020.



11.30-11.50        Andrea Bernardoni, History of mechanical philology, from wooden to virtual models

11.50-12.10        Mike Smith, From manuscript to 3D models with animation

12.10-12.30        Nick Lambert, Virtual rooms and virtual exhibitions

12.30-12.50        Discussion and coffee break

12.50-13.10        Jazz Rasool, Mixed Reality Enhanced Learning and the 8 Realities

13.30-13.40        Closing discussion followed by visit to exhibition at Peltz Gallery