The library houses about 170,000 works concerning the history of science. The antique book collection, consisting of nearly 5,000 works, is supplemented by several 19th-20th century collections as well as a contemporary collection which has an annual growth of hundreds of new acquisitions.
The library houses about 170,000 works concerning the history of science. The antique book collection, consisting of nearly 5,000 works, is supplemented by several 19th-20th century collections as well as a contemporary collection which has an annual growth of hundreds of new acquisitions.
Ancient collections
Particularly important is the Medicean-Lorraine collection which includes those scientific texts collected over the course of the centuries by the two Tuscan dynasties and mostly concerning the physico-mathematical sciences. Of particular importance are also the Omodeo A collection (pertaining to the natural sciences) and the Rossi A, Rare and Geology collections.
The Landmarks of science microfiche and microfilm collection, with some thousands of scientific texts of the past centuries, together with the works of the Ancient mathematics on cd-rom series, integrate the ancient holdings.
Plenty of ancient texts, some of which are not owned by the library in the original printed edition, are available in digital version.
Nineteenth and twentieth century collections
Noteworthy among the various nineteenth-century holdings is the Thèses médecine collection, containing over 10,000 medical theses discussed from 1798 to 1896 at the University of Paris. Acquired by the Museo Galileo in 2002, this collection is unusually important, being made up of rare documents, for the most part correspondence between institutes, usually printed in limited numbers.
The Physics, Astronomy and Meteorology holdings, amounting to 20,000 items including monographs, periodicals and minor materials, are highly representative.
The library also possesses various personal libraries and bequests from scientists and historians of science (Giuseppe Boffito, Giorgio Piccardi, Paolo Rossi, Pietro Omodeo and others) acquired since the end of the twentieth century and mostly composed of nineteenth and twentieth century texts.
Contemporary collection
The contemporary collection, with hundreds of new acquisitions each year, comprises numerous texts on the history of science and technology: primary sources, secondary literature, catalogues of science museums and scientific exhibitions, biographical-bibliographical collections, etc.
The Anglo-American historiographic tradition is especially well represented and great attention is devoted to the Italian editorial production and to Galilean studies. In selecting purchases, priority is given to texts dealing with scientific instrumentation and, in general, anything useful to the Museo Galileo’s current activities and special projects.
Periodicals currently number over 250, providing an indispensable resource for studies in the sector.
Suggestions for purchases to enrich and complete our collections will be greatly appreciated!
Electronic journals & Databases
The electronic journals and the databases are available depending on the type of subscription and on the publisher’s conditions.
- History of science, technology and medicine (access with password)
- Iter Italicum
Electronic journals
The subscribed journals have internal access only.
The journals which are freely accessible in internet are marked with an asterisk.
They can be searched either in the library online catalogue by clicking the url in the record display, or by clicking the following titles:
- Achademia Leonardi Vinci*
- Actes (Société française d'histoire de l'art dentaire)*
- Aestimatio*
- AIB studi*
- Albertiana
- Aldrovandiana*
- Aleph
- Almagest
- Ambix
- Annali della Scuola normale superiore di Pisa. Classe di lettere e filosofia*
- Annali dell'Istituto e Museo di storia della scienza di Firenze
- Annali di storia delle università italiane*
- Annals of science
- Apeiron
- Arabic sciences and philosophy
- Archive for history of exact sciences
- Archives of natural history
- Artefact*
- Asclepio*
- Atti e memorie dell'Accademia italiana di storia della farmacia*
- Azogue*
- Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte
- British journal for the history of mathematics
- British journal for the history of science
- Bruniana & Campanelliana
- BSHM Bulletin (British Society for the history of mathematics)
- Bulletin for the history of chemistry*
- Bulletin of the history of medicine
- Cadernos de história da ciência*
- Cadernos de história e filosofia da ciência*
- Cahiers François Viète*
- Canadian bulletin of medical history
- Canadian journal of health history
- Carnets d'histoire de la médecine*
- Centaurus*
- Chinese annals of history of science and technology*
- Chinese science
- Circumscribere*
- CnS, la chimica nella scuola*
- Il colle di Galileo*
- Configurations
- Culture and cosmos*
- Curator, the museum journal
- DigItalia*
- Dynamis*
- Early science and medicine
- Earth sciences history
- East Asian science, technology and medicine
- Endeavour
- E.sfhm*
- European journal for the history of medicine and health
- Ferrum*
- Forschungsberichte (Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz)*
- Foundations of chemistry
- Galenos
- Galilaeana*
- Geographia antiqua
- Geostorie*
- Gesnerus*
- Gewina*
- Histoire des sciences médicales*
- História, ciência, saúde*
- Historia matematica
- Historical metallurgy*
- Historical records of Australian science
- Historical studies in the natural sciences
- History and philosophy of the life sciences
- History and technology
- History of pharmacy and pharmaceuticals
- History of psychiatry
- History of science
- HoST, Journal of the history of science and technology*
- IBC*
- IEEE annals of the history of computing
- Imago mundi
- Indian journal of history of science*
- The international journal for the history of engineering & technology
- Intersezioni
- Isis
- ISIS current bibliography of the history of science and its cultural influences
- Journal for the history of astronomy
- Journal of astronomical history and heritage*
- Journal of astronomy in culture*
- Journal of cultural heritage
- Journal of the history of biology
- Journal of the history of collections
- Journal of the history of ideas
- Journal of the history of medicine and allied sciences
- Journal of the history of the neurosciences
- Kwartalnik historii nauki i techniki*
- Leonardiana
- Lexicon philosophicum*
- Literature and medicine
- Lychnos*
- Manuscrito*
- Medical history
- Medicina historica*
- Medicina nei secoli*
- Medizinhistorisches Journal
- Metascience
- Micrologus
- Mitteilungen (Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Fachgruppe Geschichte der Chemie)*
- Museologia scientifica*
- Museologia scientifica. Memorie*
- Noctua*
- Notes and records of the Royal Society of London
- Notiziario (Centro italiano per gli studi storico-geografici)*
- NTM, Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, Technik und Medizin
- Nuncius
- Nuova rivista di storia della medicina*
- Organon*
- Orologi solari*
- Osiris
- Osmanli bilimi arastirmalari*
- Perspectives on science
- Philosophia scientiae*
- Physics in perspective
- Preprint (Deutsches Museum)*
- Quaderns d'història de l'enginyeria*
- Renaissance quarterly
- Research report (Max Planck institute for the history of science)*
- Revista brasileira de história da ciência*
- Revista da Sociedade brasileira de história da ciência*
- Revue de synthèse
- Revue d’histoire des mathématiques
- Rhizomata
- Rivista di storia dell'agricoltura*
- Rivista geografica italiana*
- Science & education
- Science & technology studies
- Science in context
- Science museum group journal*
- Science studies*
- Scientia (rivista della Società italiana di storia della scienza)*
- Scientia poetica
- Scientiae studia*
- Scientiarum historia*
- Social history of medicine
- Studies in history and philosophy of biological and biomedical sciences
- Studies in history and philosophy of modern physics
- Studies in history and philosophy of science
- Studium*
- Substantia*
- Sudhoffs Archiv
- Suhayl*
- Technai
- Technikgeschichte
- Technology and culture
- Theoria*
- Theoria et historia scientiarum*
- Torricelliana*
- Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki*